
Grunnegs is a collection of Dutch Low-Saxon speech varieties spoken in the province of Groningen.

Map showing the different regions of Groningen (province)

There are five main varieties (Reker, 2007), although there is some discussion whether some of these are either disappearing or being absorbed. These are (in alphabetical order) Hogelandsters, Oldambts, Stads, Veenkoloniaals and Westerkwartiers.

There are approaximately 453.690 speakers of Grunnegs (based on Bloemhoff, 2005). Currently the intergenerational transmission (for Dutch Low-Saxon) is constantly decreasing. In 1995, the child-parent interaction in Grunnegs stood at 7-8% (Driessen, 2005), while in 2011 it had fallen to 1-2% (Driessen, 2012).


Driessen, G. (2005). In Dutch? Usage of Dutch Regional Languages and Dialects. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 18(3), 271–285.

Driessen, G. (2012). Ontwikkelingen in het gebruik van Fries, streektalen en dialecten in de periode 1995-2011 (pp. 1–5). ITS, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

Reker, S. (2007). Kennismaking met het Gronings: Een introductie op het eigentijdse dialect van Stad en Provincie. In Boekvorm Uitgevers.